By SmartGamesLive Team
Last week we have quietly released our state-of-the-art achievements system. We have set up some challenging goals, and upon achieving you get rewarded with a super nice badge and points! Badges are displayed on your SmartGamesLive profile page and soon we will launch a custom leaderboard as well!
For the diehards we include an overview of some of our goals & badges here below. We have some special surprises as well, but these have been left out. We do not want to spoil your fun! :-)
Winners Today's Hall of Fame
Today's Hall of Fame
500 points
500 points
Today's Hall of Fame
350 points
350 points
Today's Hall of Fame
200 points
200 points
A lot of stars gained
5000 stars gained!!
800 points
800 points
2000 stars gained!
600 points
600 points
1500 stars gained!
500 points
500 points
1000 stars gained!
300 points
300 points
500 stars gained!
200 points
200 points
250 stars gained!
100 points
100 points
100 stars gained!
50 points
50 points
A lot of challenges solved
2000 challenges!
900 points
900 points
1000 challenges!
800 points
800 points
500 challenges!
500 points
500 points
100 challenges!
200 points
200 points
50 challenges!
150 points
150 points
10 challenges!
50 points
50 points
Game and levels completed with 3 stars
Perfect game!
800 points
800 points
Perfect all masters!
600 points
600 points
Perfect all experts!
500 points
500 points
Perfect all juniors!
400 points
400 points
Perfect all starters!
300 points
300 points
Game and levels completed
Game completed!
600 points
600 points
Masters completed!
400 points
400 points
Experts completed!
250 points
250 points
Juniors completed!
150 points
150 points
Starters completed!
100 points
100 points
A lot of games played
Played ALL games!
250 points
250 points
Played 10 games!
100 points
100 points
Played 3 games!
50 points
50 points
Challenges in a row
20 IN A ROW!!
200 points
200 points
15 IN A ROW!
150 points
150 points
10 IN A ROW!
100 points
100 points
50 points
50 points
30 points
30 points
Perfectly timed
5 seconds solver!
100 points
100 points
30 minutes solver!
30 points
30 points
10 minutes solver!
15 points
15 points
1 minute solver!
10 points
10 points
1 second solver!
1 points
1 points
Welcome to SmartGamesLive!
10 points
10 points
By the way, if you have a crazy idea for a badge or goal, just drop us a note. If we like it, we will add it!